Effective tool against parasites in the human body

You know what, they are an effective means of parasites, it should, because its the media, 95% of the population. There are more than 2000 different types of pests that can inhabit the human body. They are localized not only in the digestive system and all the organs: the lungs, the liver, the brain, the blood. Their size – from the microscopic to several metres in length, however, they have brought tremendous damage to people's health. Sometimes, the elimination of the worms, a surgical procedure is necessary, 80% of all the chronic diseases provoked by the activities of parasites in the human body. They cause asthma, allergies, psoriasis, an inflammation of the joints and other illnesses that people are unsuccessfully treated for years. And just to get rid of the pathogens.


A Folk remedy for parasites

There are a lot of folk remedies, which are designed for safe pest control. Their work is aimed directly at the elimination of the worms, and to restore the functioning of the body that are exposed to its malign influence. Many plants have powerful properties against parasites. These include garlic, walnut, onion, pomegranate, pumpkin seed, st. john's wort, wormwood, ginger, tansy, thyme, clove. They are harmful to the adult worms and larvae. For the healing of the mouth the ginger helps

Effective recipes of folk remedies to eliminate parasites are:

  1. Garlic and yogurt – 10 cloves of garlic have to be swallow don't chew, and drink the kefir. The procedure is carried out once on an empty stomach. The week may have to be repeated.
  2. An infusion of onion – peel and chop a small onion, and then pour 1 Cup of boiling water. Insist night and in the morning on an empty stomach to drink the broth.
  3. Infusion of wormwood – 1-2 teaspoons of leaves of wormwood, we must keep it for one hour in 1 Cup of boiling water. Consequently, the broth is to be taken on an empty stomach in the morning and in the evening, a half a Cup. The course of treatment – 2 to 3 working days.
  4. Sbiten – cleanses the body of parasites, toxins, and strengthens the body's immune system. To cook, you need 1 Cup of honey, dissolved in 1 l of water, and then leave it on for 20 minutes. Add the cardamom, ginger, cinnamon, Bay leaf, 1 teaspoon, and then boil for a further 5 minutes. The soup, strain and drink hot before going to bed. The course of treatment is 7-12 working days.

The tincture from the hulls of walnuts – crushed shells of nuts, a 15-pour 0.5 liters of alcohol. The infusion was done for 30 days in the light. A regimen of the following:

  • Day 1: drink 1 drop diluted in 100 ml of water.
  • Day 2 – 2 drops per 100 ml of water.
  • Day 3 – 3 drops in 100 ml of water.
  • Day 4 – 4 drops in 100 ml of water.
  • 5 a day – 5 drops per 100 ml of water.
  • Day-6 to – 2 teaspoons in 200 ml of water.
  • 7-11 – day to 2 teaspoons per 50 ml of water, twice a day.

The completion of the necessary every day, throughout the year, and may take up to 2 teaspoons of tincture diluted in 50 ml of water. Drink on an empty stomach, and don't. The powder of the Artemisia, dry fruit and Mature leaves of wormwood are ground into a powder. To take 1 times a day before meals in this volume:

  • 1 day – 1 with a pinch;
  • Day 2 – 1/4 of a teaspoon;
  • Day 3 – 1/3 teaspoon;
  • Day 4 – 1/2 a teaspoon.

The powder of the Artemisia has a detrimental effect on the worms

How to use the

The dose is gradually increased up to 14 days and up to a 1/2 of a spoon of the powder. Need 6 days to drink 1/2 a tablespoon of the powder per day, and after that, they eat the same quantity of the powder 1 time per week. It means that you need to drink sufficient amounts of water.

The seed cloves, crushed to the consistency of powder. Taken three times a day before meals in this volume:

  • 1 day – 1/5 of a teaspoon;
  • Day 2 – 1/4 of a teaspoon;
  • 3-10 days – about 1/3 of a teaspoon.
  • For 10 days 1 teaspoon once a week.

All of the components of the triad should be used at the same time. Thus, they will be able to achieve maximum results. Natural remedies against parasites that have taken over-the-counter, however, you must keep track of the dosage, and the duration of the treatment. Of clove seeds to make a powder


The classification of the parasites

Regardless of the place of parasitism and biological characteristics of the stomach and mouth, are broken down into different types.

The types of parasites are:

Roundworms (nematodes) – are characterized by the rounded shape of the body when you make the cut. The most common types of parasites that are living in and all of the stages of the development takes place only in the human body. Between the 24 000 species of parasites are most often experiencing the following:

Nematode is the most common type of parasites are

  • Roundworm – to reach a length of 45 cm, it Lives in the small intestine and feed on scraps of food. Poison the body, releasing the toxins into the bloodstream. Living up to a 14-month period. The way of infection – through dirty hands, products.
  • Pinworms – a length of not less than 1 cm) Live in the large and small intestines. It is very easy to become infected by contact with the carrier, the use of household items. In a live 1-2 months. When the hygiene of the parasites of this species can be easily removed.
  • Whipworm worms with a length of 3-4 cm, which bite into the mucous membrane of the blind, and the large intestine. They are the worst of the blood. In the process of life, they produce a lot of toxins. It lives for up to 5 years of age. The path of infection through dirty hands, products.
  • Trichina – the length of the reach is only 3-4 mm in height. These parasites can be stored in any of the body. They infiltrate the striated muscle of the respiratory tract, the eyes, the heart. They live a couple of years. May be contaminated with the raw pork.

The first of the 3 kinds of parasites are effectively treated with medication. It is sufficient to take the appropriate medication. Trichinosis is conducted in the step of a drug to destroy only the adult worms; the larvae of which are found in your muscles, not kill them. Tapeworms (cestodes) have exactly the shape of the body is divided into segments. They have suction cups, which are attached to the intestinal mucosa. You may reach 18 m in length. One phase of life must be carried out in the body of the intermediate host. The most common types of worms in this group:

A tapeworm commonly found, and it is one of the longest parasites

  • Beef tapeworm – in length reaches up to 10 meters. He lives in the intestine and attaches to the wall. You can become infected through raw beef.
  • Pork tapeworm, up to 2 m in length. May be contaminated with the raw pork.
  • The dwarf tapeworm reaches a length of 3 to 5 inches, and carries through on a daily basis, through unwashed hands.
  • A tapeworm, up to 6-15 m in length. You can become infected through the flesh of a freshwater fish if you eat it raw.
  • Echinococcus is a dangerous parasite, which can get infected from cats and dogs. Once in the human body, the larvae develop rapidly, are carried by the bloodstream to different organs, and form cysts of echinococcosis, which can be removed only by surgery.

Flukes – they have a flat and wide body, which may reach a length of 1.5 m. the route of infection is through raw meat, fish, and seafood. Can be kept in any part of the body in the middle of the ear, the eye of the excretory ducts of the glands. Feed on the cells of the intestine, intestinal contents, slime, suck out the blood. Main :

Flukes can live in any area of the body

  • fasciolosis– grows up to 3 to 7 inches, and is a parasite in the gall bladder. You can become infected by eating aquatic plants, not boiling water.
  • Siberian Fluke – reaching 4-13 cm in length and is localized in the gall bladder and ducts.

With regard to the place of the parasitism of organisms that can be divided into:

  • intestinal develop, and it lives exclusively in the intestine;
  • extraintestinal – blood-vessels-are available in a variety of organs by the human eye and brain, of the liver.

The types of parasites that depend on the characteristics of the development:

  • The Bio-helminths for the development of the parasites in this group, it is necessary to modify some of the intermediate hosts. It can be transmitted from animals to.
  • The Geo-helminths – must be carried out at the stage of maturation in the soil, otherwise you can't infect a person.
  • The infectious types – a complete development cycle can take place inside the human body.

Intestinal worms can only live in the gut

The most common types of worms – roundworm, pinworm, tapeworm wide, Trichinella, dwarf tapeworm, pork tapeworm.

The symptoms of parasites in your body:

  • Grinding teeth in your sleep.
  • Problems with the gastrointestinal tract – diarrhea, constipation, flatulence.
  • The pain in my muscles and joints.
  • The heat.
  • Diseases of the skin – eczema, rash, acne.
  • An allergic reaction occurs.
  • Anemia.
  • Weight problems – being overweight, or a sudden loss of weight.
  • The disruption of sleep.
  • The breakdown of the.
  • The chronic fatigue syndrome.
  • Respiratory diseases – asthma, cough.
  • The immune disorders.
  • Swelling of the face and body.

The signs that indicate the presence of parasites, which can occur after an infection by 2-4 weeks. A sharp change in weight (in either direction), we can speak of the appearance of the mouth

Stages of healing: the how to get rid of the parasites

To cleanse the body of worms, it is necessary to carry out treatment in several stages:

  1. Preparation – to prepare the body for the removal of parasites, they need 2 to 3 days for the use of vegetable oils, e.g., linseed or pumpkin. Drink 1-2 teaspoon 15 minutes before each meal. Alternatively, the oil can be used for the product. This will allow your body to eliminate poisons and chemicals which is generated as a result of the activity of the worms.
  2. Recovery tools that can help to restore the function of the body, the victim of a fire.

In the treatment of parasites, it is necessary to observe the dosage and method of taking the pills

The prevention of

To reduce the risk of infection, it is important that you adhere to the following guidelines:

  • Strict adherence to the rules of personal hygiene.
  • The reduction of close contact with Pets.
  • Each of the 34 months-to give the house the means parasites.
  • Is not in contact with stray animals.
  • To make regular wet cleaning.
  • Thorough washing of fruits and vegetables.
  • Eat fish, meat, past the full heat-treatment.
  • Do not drink untreated water from the tap.
  • 1, every six months, all your family members make use of in the treatment of parasites.

If you have the symptoms of an infection to be diagnosed. On the basis of the results, the doctor will be able to choose the very best medicine for the parasites, which will allow you to get rid of them. This is a serious condition, so it is best to consult the doctors. A comprehensive treatment should be carried out to all the members of the family.